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For Functions
@ARGS // Stores all arguments passed to a function allowing for unlimited arguments.
@COMMONFILESDIR // Common Files folder @WINDIR // The directory of windows @SYSDIR // The directory of windows system directory @CURDIR // The current working directory @TEMPDIR // The current system's temporary folder
@CRLF // @CR . @LF ;Occasionally used for line breaks. @LFCR // @LF . @CR ;Stupidly used for line breaks. @CR // Carriage return, Chr(13); sometimes used for line breaks. @LF // Line feed, Chr(10); typically used for line breaks. @TAB // Tab character, Chr(9). @NL // The newline that the current windows likes best.
@PI // Mathematical constant that is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter @E // Represents the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e.
Variable Limits etc
@CHAR_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unicode character @CHAR_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unicode character @BYTE_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 8-bit integer @BYTE_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 8-bit integer @SBYTE_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 8-bit integer @SBYTE_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 8-bit integer @USHORT_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 16-bit integer @USHORT_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 16-bit integer @UINT16_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 16-bit integer @UINT16_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 16-bit integer @UINT_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 32-bit integer @UINT_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 32-bit integer @UINT32_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 32-bit integer @UINT32_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 32-bit integer @ULONG_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 64-bit integer @ULONG_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 64-bit integer @UINT64_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a unsigned 64-bit integer @UINT64_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a unsigned 64-bit integer @SHORT_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 16-bit integer @SHORT_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 16-bit integer @INT16_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 16-bit integer @INT16_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 16-bit integer @INT_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 32-bit integer @INT_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 32-bit integer @INT32_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 32-bit integer @INT32_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 32-bit integer @LONG_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 64-bit integer @LONG_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 64-bit integer @INT64_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a signed 64-bit integer @INT64_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a signed 64-bit integer @DOUBLE_POSINF // Represents positive infinity @DOUBLE_NEGINF // Represents negative infinity @DOUBLE_NAN // Represents (Not a number) NaN @DOUBLE_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a float @DOUBLE_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a float @DOUBLE_EPSILON // Represents the smallest positive double value greater than zero @FLOAT_POSINF // Represents positive infinity @FLOAT_NEGINF // Represents negative infinity @FLOAT_NAN // Represents (Not a number) NaN @FLOAT_MIN // Represents the smallest possible value of a float @FLOAT_MAX // Represents the largest possible value of a float @FLOAT_EPSILON // Represents the smallest positive float value greater than zero
Date & Time
@DATETIMENOW // Stores the current date and time as a string @MSEC // Milliseconds value of clock. Range is 00 to 999 @SEC // Seconds value of clock. Range is 00 to 59 @MIN // Minutes value of clock. Range is 00 to 59 @HOUR // Hours value of clock in 24-hour format. Range is 00 to 23 @WDAY // Numeric day of week. Range is 1 to 7 which corresponds to Sunday through Saturday @MDAY // Current day of month. Range is 01 to 31 @MON // Current month. Range is 01 to 12 @YDAY // Current day of year. Range is 1 to 366 (or 365 if not a leap year) @YEAR // Current four-digit year. @TICKS // The number of ticks that represent the current date and time (A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second. There are 10,000 ticks in a millisecond.) @TIME // Get a 10 element array containing in this order; @MSEC, @SEC, @MIN, @HOUR, @WDAY, @MDAY, @MON, @YDAY, @YEAR, @TICKS // Heres an example of how to use @Time to create a useable list : List ($MSec, $Sec, $Min, $Hour, $WDay, $MDay, $Mon, $YDay, $Year, $Ticks) = @TIME; println("MSec: " . $MSec); println("Sec: " . $Sec); println("Min: " . $Min); println("Hour: " . $Hour); println("WDay: " . $WDay); println("MDay: " . $MDay); println("Mon: " . $Mon); println("YDay: " . $YDay); println("Year: " . $Year); println("Ticks: " . $Ticks);
@ERROR // Stores the state of the last error which can be useful to find out exactly what happened. @CURRENCY // Stores the local currency symbol that the computer is using such as $ or £ etc. @GROUP // Stores the amount of groups captured in the last regex match operation. @DESKTOPWIDTH // Current width of the desktop the program is running on. @DESKTOPHEIGHT // Current height of the desktop the program is running on. @DOMAIN // The computers currently network domain name associated with current user. @USER // The name of the user currently logged in to windows. @MACHINENAME // Get NetBIOS name of this computer. @TICKCOUNT // The number of miliseconds elapsed since the system started. @INVALIDPATHCHARS // String of characters that are not allowed in path names. @INVALIDFILENAMECHARS // String of characters that are not allowed in file names. @VOLUMESEPARATORCHAR // Provides a platform-specific volume separator character. @PATHSEPARATOR // A platform-specific separator character used to separate path strings in environment variables. @DIRECTORYSEPARATORCHAR // Provides a platform-specific character used to separate directory levels in a path string that reflects a hierarchical file system organization. @ALTDIRECTORYSEPARATORCHAR // Provides a platform-specific alternate character used to separate directory levels in a path string that reflects a hierarchical file system organization.
Key Constants for use with many things (Bascially equal to VirtualKey Codes
@None @LButton @RButton @Cancel @MButton @XButton1 @XButton2 @LButton @XButton2 @Back @Tab @LineFeed @LButton @LineFeed @Clear @Return @RButton @Clear @RButton @Return @ShiftKey @ControlKey @Menu @Pause @Capital @KanaMode @RButton @Capital @JunjaMode @FinalMode @HanjaMode @RButton @FinalMode @Escape @IMEConvert @IMENonconvert @IMEAceept @IMEModeChange @Space @PageUp @Next @End @Home @Left @Up @Right @Down @Select @Print @Execute @PrintScreen @Insert @Delete @Help @D0 @D1 @D2 @D3 @D4 @D5 @D6 @D7 @D8 @D9 @RButton @D8 @RButton @D9 @MButton @D8 @MButton @D9 @XButton2 @D8 @XButton2 @D9 @64 @A @B @C @D @E @F @G @H @I @J @K @L @M @N @O @P @Q @R @S @T @U @V @W @X @Y @Z @LWin @RWin @Apps @RButton @RWin @Sleep @NumPad0 @NumPad1 @NumPad2 @NumPad3 @NumPad4 @NumPad5 @NumPad6 @NumPad7 @NumPad8 @NumPad9 @Multiply @Add @Separator @Subtract @Decimal @Divide @F1 @F2 @F3 @F4 @F5 @F6 @F7 @F8 @F9 @F10 @F11 @F12 @F13 @F14 @F15 @F16 @F17 @F18 @F19 @F20 @F21 @F22 @F23 @F24 @Back @F17 @Back @F18 @Back @F19 @Back @F20 @Back @F21 @Back @F22 @Back @F23 @Back @F24 @NumLock @Scroll @RButton @NumLock @RButton @Scroll @MButton @NumLock @MButton @Scroll @XButton2 @NumLock @XButton2 @Scroll @Back @NumLock @Back @Scroll @LineFeed @NumLock @LineFeed @Scroll @Clear @NumLock @Clear @Scroll @RButton @Clear @NumLock @RButton @Clear @Scroll @LShiftKey @RShiftKey @LControlKey @RControlKey @LMenu @RMenu @BrowserBack @BrowserForward @BrowserRefresh @BrowserStop @BrowserSearch @BrowserFavorites @BrowserHome @VolumeMute @VolumeDown @VolumeUp @MediaNextTrack @MediaPreviousTrack @MediaStop @MediaPlayPause @LaunchMail @SelectMedia @LaunchApplication1 @LaunchApplication2 @Back @MediaNextTrack @Back @MediaPreviousTrack @Oem1 @Oemplus @Oemcomma @OemMinus @OemPeriod @OemQuestion @Oemtilde @LButton @Oemtilde @RButton @Oemtilde @Cancel @Oemtilde @MButton @Oemtilde @XButton1 @Oemtilde @XButton2 @Oemtilde @LButton @XButton2 @Oemtilde @Back @Oemtilde @Tab @Oemtilde @LineFeed @Oemtilde @LButton @LineFeed @Oemtilde @Clear @Oemtilde @Return @Oemtilde @RButton @Clear @Oemtilde @RButton @Return @Oemtilde @ShiftKey @Oemtilde @ControlKey @Oemtilde @Menu @Oemtilde @Pause @Oemtilde @Capital @Oemtilde @KanaMode @Oemtilde @RButton @Capital @Oemtilde @JunjaMode @Oemtilde @FinalMode @Oemtilde @HanjaMode @Oemtilde @RButton @FinalMode @Oemtilde @OemOpenBrackets @Oem5 @Oem6 @Oem7 @Oem8 @Space @Oemtilde @PageUp @Oemtilde @OemBackslash @LButton @OemBackslash @Home @Oemtilde @ProcessKey @MButton @OemBackslash @Packet @Down @Oemtilde @Select @Oemtilde @Back @OemBackslash @Tab @OemBackslash @PrintScreen @Oemtilde @Back @ProcessKey @Clear @OemBackslash @Back @Packet @D0 @Oemtilde @D1 @Oemtilde @ShiftKey @OemBackslash @ControlKey @OemBackslash @D4 @Oemtilde @ShiftKey @ProcessKey @Attn @Crsel @Exsel @EraseEof @Play @Zoom @NoName @Pa1