Version History

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(Sputnik 0.27 @ 14-06-2015 01:15 PM)
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* Nothing yet
* Nothing yet
== Sputnik 0.28 @ 19-06-2015 07:12 PM ==
* Sputniks linux and mac support has been removed (nobody was using it on them platforms anyway) and it is now back to Windows only (I will not waste my time making two/three of many functions if nobody is going to use it!!!) (anybody who wishes to cry about this may go insult T3Charmy for it is HIS fault I gave him everything he needed to produce the linux plugin for Sputnik I even made the first function to demonstrate yet he was too lazy or useless to bother adding ONE more function for such lack of caring why should I care? screw him)
* Fixed the [Args("true/false")] by default being set to FALSE (it was set to TRUE by default for some unknown reason)
* Fixed a bug where if you do "$b[$pos++] = $c;" it would cause the $pos to increase TWICE
* TB() added it will convert a string to number (network-order UInt32)
* BT() added it will convert a number (network-order UInt32) to string
* Removed <..> operator (since .. is the same thing)
* Added new flag to IsDeclared() so you can check max depth local scope
* SSRecv() no longer returns the IP (you must use SSClientIP() for that)
* Fixed a bug in CharPtr stuff that would cause StrNew('A', 5, true); to fail
* Fixed a glitch with << <<< >> >>> ** where it would use the type of the first variable even if the second variable was a bigger type so shift operations could end up returning a BYTE when it should logically be returning a number that can hold the data (sucha s Int32) so now it will always seek to return an Int64/UInt64 if both numbers are integers (of any size) it wil return a double if any of the two are a float/double and it will return a double if the second is a float/double (regardless of the first) and finally it will return a Int64 if it cant find a suitable type to return (in all integer cases it will return a UInt64 if the value of the first/second is higher than an Int64)
* EnumIsDefined() added it can check if an enum contains a value which is good for checking if a value you have is valid for the enum
* Fixed FileRead() it was reading each byte of the file as a char now it reads the chars properly
* If you try use the GET/SET of a property but the GET or SET does not exist it will no longer crash Sputnik but instead show an error message showing the line number of the fault
* FileOpenText() added it can be used to open a kind of file stream reader that lets you read a char/many chars/lines at a time it also works with FilePos() and FileSeek()
* FileReadText() added it is used with the return from FileOpenText() it has several formats you can read the text file in
* ByteBufferToBinary() added it can be used to convert any ByteBuffer into raw binary instead of needing to cast
* GetExtension() has been fixed so it will no longer cause a crash if it is impossible to find the extension
* FileSizeFormat() added it can be used to format a number into a file size string for example 10000 becomes 9.77 KB
* Added a new param to FileSize() where it can return a string like from FileSizeFormat() instead of the integer value
* FileWriteLines() added it can be used to write an ARRAY to file using each element as a line for the file you can also set the line breaks text
* FileAppendLines() added it can be used to write an ARRAY to the end of a file using each element as a line for the file you can also set the line breaks text
* Added "rw" flag to FileOpen (does same thing that an empty flag does but added this just for future compatibility)
* FileTemp() added it will create a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on disk and returns the full path of it
* GetRelativePath() added it tires to makes a path relative to another
* SocketReadChar() added it will read the next char it can find (and wait until it gets one)
* SocketReadLine() added it will read the next line it can find (and wait until it gets one)
* Improved internal disposing of sockets when unset() is called
* FileMove() added for obvious reasons
* ConsoleKeyAvailable() added it can be used to check if there is a key ready to be read from the console
* ConsoleCapsLock() added it can be used to check if caps lock is down on the console
* COnsoleSetCursor() added to make it so you can set the x+y in one function
* COnsoleSetBuffer() added to make it so you can set the width+height in one function
* COnsoleSetSize() added to make it so you can set the width+height in one function
* Added a special Console app manager to the lib folder (with an example of its use in the Examples folder) this script lets you easily handle console apps that will be printing to screen (server apps etc) and yet still allow the user to type stuff
* Added a Command System to the lib folder that makes it easy to create and use commands with its built in parser and what not (it is used by the Console app manager)
* Added ability to use a TRUE flag on InputC() to get more information about the key pressed
* Added all the @KeyConsole____ macros for checking console keys
* The first param of ClassList() may now be null to act as if you didnt enter a first param
* Added a new param to ClassList() where you can filter classes based on if they inherit from a specific class name
* Changed all the stragglers I could find that still returned 1 or 0 instead of True/False stuff like <  and > operators etc and a bunch of opt/socket options etc so at this point there shouldnt really be anything much that returns 1 or 0 instead of true/false which is a not hugely important but I like it to be consistant (a long long time ago Sputnik didnt have a boolean so 1 and 0 were used instead)
* sbSetNewLine() added it will set what the text is used for the *newlines* of sbAppendLine() etc
* sbGetNewLine() added it will get what the text is used for the *newlines* of sbAppendLine() etc
* SumDouble() added for the LINQ
* SumInt() added for the LINQ
* SumUInt() added for the LINQ
* First() added for the LINQ
* FirstOrDefault() added for the LINQ
* Last() added for the LINQ
* LastOrDefault() added for the LINQ
* Obtain() added for the LINQ it is used like Select in c# to obtain all the *values* directly insead of doing any matching etc
== Sputnik 0.27 @ 14-06-2015 01:15 PM ==
== Sputnik 0.27 @ 14-06-2015 01:15 PM ==

Revision as of 18:12, 19 June 2015


Upcoming changes in next version

Sputnik 0.28 @ 19-06-2015 07:12 PM

Sputnik 0.27 @ 14-06-2015 01:15 PM

Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM

Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM

Sputnik 0.24 @ 29-11-2014 01:05 AM

Whats New

Known issues in current version:

Sputnik 0.23b3 @ 14-08-2014 10:09 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.23b2 @ 14-08-2014 02:18 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.23b1 @ 12-08-2014 02:23 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.23 @ 08-11-2014 05:54 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.22 @ 03-21-2014 05:54 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.21 @ 09-28-2013 05:26 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.20 @ 09-19-2013 10:58 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.19 @ 09-16-2013 10:25 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.18 @ 09-12-2013 01:42 AM

Whats New

$a = array(); $a[0] = "blah"; $a[1] = $a;

println("C:\\"); // Where as this would fail <-- No longer fails

Sputnik 0.17 @ 08-29-2013 05:49 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.16 @ 08-25-2013 07:56 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.15 @ 08-25-2013 01:15 AM

Whats New

Lower than 0.15

No information available.

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