Version History

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(Upcoming changes in next version)
(Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM)
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* Nothing yet
* Nothing yet
== Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM ==
* Sputnik now comes with "XNA Pengo" a pretty complete Pengo game I made in Sputnik it features monsters, sounds, music two player support it is a big demonstration of how to make a game in Sputnik even tho it is outdated read its "Readme.txt" for more information
* Sputnik now comes with a a bit of information on embedding Sputnik in a C# application with its sample project see the "Embed Sputnik" folder the sample project is the SputnikXNA.dll source code (complete and up to date) this source code and buildable project will demonstrate how to create plugins for Sputnik that add new features and commands to Sputnik and also how to interface C# with Sputnik
* Sputnik now comes with "Compiler.exe" (console mode) and "CompilerW.exe" (win mode) programs that will compile a Sputnik script into a .exe however if it makes use of any dlls you should include them with it
* Added UrlEncodeBytes() It can onvert a binary variable into a URL-encoded string, starting at the specified position in the array and continuing for the specified number of bytes
* Added UrlDecodeBytes() It can onvert a URL-encoded binary variable into a decoded string using the specified encoding, starting at the specified position in the array, and continuing for the specified number of bytes
* %DotNet->Calls() are now much faster as it caches all the methods
* Sputnik Socket SendBuffer is now wiped when unset() is used (freeing up its memory faster)
* SSSendBufferCreate can now be used with 0 params
* The 'is' and 'isnot' (~~ and !~ respectively) now check the .NET class name as well and it also checks all inherited types as well and as a bonus it also checks all interfaces (even inherited onces) unless of course you are using Strict then it will only check the immediate type + interfaces
* Function arguments that include an oject now name use the same checks as ~~ so if something works on one it works on both this will make it easier than having to maintain two sets of code that do the same thing
* List() arguments also benefit from the fuction argument improvement
* Fixed a bug on XNA lib for Update/Draw
* Fixed a bug on XNA lib where if a key has no *visible char* (like left arrow) it would cause all rest of the variables to mess up
* Remade how function/list/enum arguments work internally and it is now much better you can now use = to set a default on any param type you are no longer limited to only default "$var = 10" stuff but can now do stuff like "NBTTagCompound $var = newTag()" for a param
* SameValues() Check if all values within an array are the same value type such as all String and return the type or return error type
* DecPad() has been remade so it inserts all the 0s at the same cycle instead of one by one which will make it faster and more efficient
* Added many NBT functions that work similar to Minecrafts NBT system but designed specifically for Sputnik and supporting Sputniks data types below is the list of them:
* NBT() Convert a variable into an accurate NBT representation of it
* NBTNew() Create a new NBT of a given type and optionally give it a name and starting value
* IsVarNBT() Check if a variable is contains an NBT
* NBTCompare() Compare two NBT variables to see if they contain the same data
* NBTCopy() Make a clone of an NBT
* NBTGetId() Get the ID type of an NBT
* NBTGetName() Get the name (tag key) of an NBT
* NBTGetName() Set the name (tag key) of an NBT
* NBTHash() Compute the CRC32 hash of an NBT
* NBTToString() Return a string representation of an NBT
* NBTToVar() Return the Sputnik variable representation of an NBT
* NBTCompoundClear() Clear all tags
* NBTCompoundCount() Return the amount of tags
* NBTCompoundGet() Get a tag by name
* NBTCompoundSet() Set a tag by name
* NBTCompoundGetKeys() Get an array of all keys
* NBTCompoundGetTags() Get an array of all tags
* NBTCompoundGetMap() Get an associative array of all keys and tags
* NBTCompoundHasKey() Check if a given tag exists by name
* NBTCompoundIsEmpty() Check if there are no tags
* NBTCompoundRemove() Remove a specific tag by name
* NBTCompoundWrite() Write the NBTTagCompound to binary or a buffer
* NBTCompoundRead() Create a new NBTTagCompound from a binary array or a buffer
* NBTCompoundWriteFile() Write the NBTTagCompound to a file
* NBTCompoundReadFile() Create a new NBTTagCompound from reading a file
* NBTCompoundCompress() Compress the NBTTagCompound to binary
* NBTCompoundDecompress() Decompress a NBTTagCompound from binary
* NBTCompoundWriteCompressed() Compress the NBTTagCompound and write it to a buffer
* NBTCompoundReadCompressed() Decompress a NBTTagCompound from a buffer
* NBTListAppend() Add an NBT to the end of the list
* NBTListCount() Return how many tags exist in the list
* NBTListGet() Get a tag at the given index
* NBTListHasId() Check if an index is valid and contains a tag
* NBTListRemove() Remove the tag at the given index
== Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM ==
== Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM ==

Revision as of 09:08, 7 June 2015


Upcoming changes in next version

Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM

Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM

Sputnik 0.24 @ 29-11-2014 01:05 AM

Whats New

Known issues in current version:

Sputnik 0.23b3 @ 14-08-2014 10:09 PM

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Sputnik 0.23b2 @ 14-08-2014 02:18 PM

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Sputnik 0.23b1 @ 12-08-2014 02:23 AM

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Sputnik 0.23 @ 08-11-2014 05:54 AM

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Sputnik 0.22 @ 03-21-2014 05:54 AM

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Sputnik 0.21 @ 09-28-2013 05:26 PM

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Sputnik 0.20 @ 09-19-2013 10:58 PM

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Sputnik 0.19 @ 09-16-2013 10:25 PM

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Sputnik 0.18 @ 09-12-2013 01:42 AM

Whats New

$a = array(); $a[0] = "blah"; $a[1] = $a;

println("C:\\"); // Where as this would fail <-- No longer fails

Sputnik 0.17 @ 08-29-2013 05:49 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.16 @ 08-25-2013 07:56 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.15 @ 08-25-2013 01:15 AM

Whats New

Lower than 0.15

No information available.

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