User Function

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Function <name> ( <Parameters> ... )





A class can be embedded inside an IF statement (or any statement) so that it can be created on a conditional for example:

// Check if the function already exists and
// if it does already exists don't create it
if (!FunctionExists("Cat"))
	// Create the function using the Embedded keyword
	Embedded Function Cat()
		say "testy!";
	}; // note ; is required here
// testy!



Important Examples

Parameters as pointers

You can pass variables as a pointer to a function so the function can modify them variables directly rather than work on a copy of them.

The only real benefit of doing this is it speeds up execution time by not having to copy the variable.

This is only useful when used on arrays especially very big arrays.

To make a pointer you use & like in C++ and place it in parameter section of the function.

// Make a string
my $MyString = "Hello";
// Print it
say $MyString; // Prints "Hello"
// Fail to modify it
// Print to prove fail
say $MyString; // Prints "Hello"
// Correctly modify it
// Print modified string
say $MyString; // Prints "Hello world!"
// A function that does not use a pointer
// so any modifications to the variable
// do not leave the function since it is
// only playing with a *copy*
Function Test($str)
	$str .= " world!";
// A function that does use a pointer so
// any modifications that take place do
// indeed change the variable
Function Test2(&$str)
	$str .= " world!";
Unlimited Function Parameters

If you’ve most likely noticed that several function such as println() can take an indeterminate number of arguments. Normally when defining a function you specify each argument in the function declaration. Obviously it would be impossible to define an infinite number of arguments in such a way. Sputnik does, however, allow you to accomplish this through the array @args.

@args is an array consisting of all of the arguments passed to a function. Using this method you can bypass the conventional method of defining parameters in the function definition all-together.

However @args is not created by default and you must activate it if you wish to use it.

Here is an example:

println( Add(1, 2, 3) ); // will return 6
// Allow the @args variable to be made (we will use it)
// you place this above a function to allow @Args
// the reason is becaus the creation of @Args involves
// creating an array and pushing items onto it etc and
// can use a tiny bit of processing power so we don't do
// it unless we want to do it
Function Add()
	my $Total = 0;
	foreach( @args as my $item )
		$Total += $item;
	return $Total;

If for whatever reason you need to know the total number of arguments passed to a function, You can simply use Count($args) within the function.

When retrieving arguments in this manner it is important to remember that @args only contains an array of arguments passed by the user. It does not account for default values etc.

Note - If outside a function @args will return an empty array.

Since @args exists it is possible to use that as the function parameters... Example

doMsg("Hello", 777);
Function doMsg()
	my List( $msg, $code ) = @args;
	echo "$msg | $code"; // Prints: Hello | 777
// This tends to work very similar to the @_ in perl
Function Rules

You can add special rules to your function to tell it how to operate using the [] brackets before the word "Function".

Here is a list of the possible rules:

TYPE                   WHAT IT DOES
Args                   Allows enabling the creation of @ARGS variable
Returns                Forces a specific return type to the function
                       (gives exception if wrong type is given)
ReturnCast             Casts all return values to this type if it is not already
Override               Overrides a CORE function with this name and forces all
                       call to that function to route to you function instead

Default for the rules

TYPE                   DEFAULT
Args                   FALSE
Returns                <totally disabled>
ReturnCast             <totally disabled>
Override               FALSE

For a list of data type to use with Returns/ReturnCast see HERE.

Example of using Rule: Args

// The @Args variable is a special variable
// that can be used in any function it is used to
// handle infinite params the same as perls @_
// param 0 is @Args[0] and so on...
// If you wish to use infinite parameters thenb
// you must enable this rule.
println("### First no rule");
Test("Cat", "Dog");
println("### Now with rule");
TestWithRule("Cat", "Dog");
// A test function with no rules so @args should NOT be created
Function Test($a, $b)
	println("\$a: $a \$b: '$b'");
	println("\@args[0]: @args[0] \@args[1]: '@args[1]'");
// This function is same as above but this time with the rule
Function TestWithRule($a, $b)
	println("\$a: $a \$b: '$b'");
	println("\@args[0]: @args[0] \@args[1]: '@args[1]'");
// Notice the test without the rule had no @args variable at all?

Example of using Rule: Returns

Function Test( $returnBool )
		return 1 == 2;
		return "Hello";
// This forces this function to require a bool to be returned
// if a bool is not returned it will throw an exception instantly
// it will not try to convert the return to a bool

Example of using Rule: ReturnCast

Function Test( $returnBool )
		return 1 == 2;
		return 1;
// This forces this function to return a bool no matter what
// It will even return the default value (0 for ints, false for bool etc)
// if it cannot convert or find a return value at all
// If there is a return value it will converted to a bool

Example of using Rule: Override

Print("Moo moo farm");
Function Print()
	say "HELLO?!?!??";
// This forces all calls to Print() (core) function to go to your
// function instead this can prove useful if you are extending
// the functionality of a core function.
// Be careful however since Sputnik might want to call one of the
// cores and suddenly find it does not exist and behave in weird and/or
// disastrous way.

General Examples

println( Add(1, 2) ); // will return 3
Function Add($a, $b)
	return $a + $b;

println( Add(2) ); // will return 52
println( Add(2, 4) ); // will return 6
Function Add($a, $b = 50)
	return $a + $b;

println( Add() ); // will return 60
println( Add(2) ); // will return 52
println( Add(2, 4) ); // will return 6
Function Add($a = 10, $b = 50)
	return $a + $b;

In this example we dont include the ( ) on the function and by not including it the function will automatically assumes you plan to use the @args variable and will enable it for you

Test("CAT", 111);
Function Test
	my List ($Name, $Password) = @args;
	println("Name '$Name' Password '$Password'");
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