User Function

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Function <name> ( <Parameters> ... )






Important Examples

Unlimited Function Parameters

If you’ve most likely noticed that several function such as println() can take an indeterminate number of arguments. Normally when defining a function you specify each argument in the function declaration. Obviously it would be impossible to define an infinite number of arguments in such a way. Sputnik does, however, allow you to accomplish this through the array @args.

@args is an array consisting of all of the arguments passed to a function. Using this method you can bypass the conventional method of defining parameters in the function definition all-together. Here is an example:

println( Add(1, 2, 3) ); // will return 6
Function Add()
	my $Total = 0;
	foreach( @args as my $item )
		$Total += $item;
	return $Total;

If for whatever reason you need to know the total number of arguments passed to a function, You can simply use Count($args) within the function.

When retrieving arguments in this manner it is important to remember that @args only contains an array of arguments passed by the user. It does not account for default values etc.

Note - If outside a function @args will return an empty array.

Function Rules

You can add special rules to your function to tell it how to operate using the [] brackets before the word "Function".

Here is a list of the possible rules:

TYPE                   WHAT IT DOES
Args                   Allows disabling the creation of @ARGS variable
Returns                Forces a specific return type to the function
                       (gives exception if wrong type is given)
ReturnCast             Casts all return values to this type if it is not already
Override               Overrides a CORE function with this name and forces all
                       call to that function to route to you function instead

For a list of data type to use with Returns/ReturnCast see HERE.

Example of using Rule: Args

// The @Args variable is a special variable
// that exists in all functions it is used to
// handle infinite params the same as perls @_
// parma 0 is @Args[0] and so on...
// of course making this array if its not going
// to be used might slow your program down a
// few minor microseconds so you can remove it
// if you want using this rule.
println("### First no rule");
Test("Cat", "Dog");
println("### Now with rule");
TestWithRule("Cat", "Dog");
// A test function with no rules so @args should be created
Function Test($a, $b)
	println("\$a: $a \$b: '$b'");
	println("\@args[0]: @args[0] \@args[1]: '@args[1]'");
// This function is same as above but this time with the rule
Function TestWithRule($a, $b)
	println("\$a: $a \$b: '$b'");
	println("\@args[0]: @args[0] \@args[1]: '@args[1]'");
// Notice the test with the rule had no @args variable at all?
// This can useful if this function gets called millions of times
// and you want to squeeze every ounce of speed out of it

Example of using Rule: Returns

Function Test( $returnBool )
		return 1 == 2;
		return "Hello";
// This forces this function to require a bool to be returned
// if a bool is not returned it will throw an exception instantly
// it will not try to convert the return to a bool

Example of using Rule: ReturnCast

Function Test( $returnBool )
		return 1 == 2;
		return 1;
// This forces this function to return a bool no matter what
// It will even return the default value (0 for ints, false for bool etc)
// if it cannot convert or find a return value at all
// If there is a return value it will converted to a bool

Example of using Rule: Override

Print("Moo moo farm");
Function Print()
	say "HELLO?!?!??";
// This forces all calls to Print() (core) function to go to your
// function instead this can prove useful if you are extending
// the functionality of a core function.
// Be careful however since Sputnik might want to call one of the
// cores and suddenly find it does not exist and behave in weird and/or
// disastrous way.

General Examples

println( Add(1, 2) ); // will return 3
Function Add($a, $b)
	return $a + $b;

println( Add(2) ); // will return 52
println( Add(2, 4) ); // will return 6
Function Add($a, $b = 50)
	return $a + $b;

println( Add() ); // will return 60
println( Add(2) ); // will return 52
println( Add(2, 4) ); // will return 6
Function Add($a = 10, $b = 50)
	return $a + $b;

Test("CAT", 111);
Function Test
	my List ($Name, $Password) = @args;
	println("Name '$Name' Password '$Password'");
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