For Loop

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For As


Loop based on an expression.

for ( <expression1> ; <expression2> ; <expression3> )



An expression to execute before starting the loop.

You can add multiple expressions by separating them with a ,


An expression to evaulate and check if its TRUE.

If it is not TRUE the loop will end (Or not even begin).

You can add multiple expressions by separating them with a ,


An expression to execute after each cycle of the loop.

Usually $i++ or $i += something

You can add multiple expressions by separating them with a ,


For statements may be nested.

The expression2 can contain the boolean operators of &&, ||, ! as well as the logical operators <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, <>, eq, eqi, neq and neqi as needed grouped with parentheses as needed.


Count up to from 1 to 10

for ( $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++ )
	println( "Value is $i" );

Count down to from 10 to 1

for ( $i = 10; $i > 0; $i-- )
	println( "Value is $i" );

Count up to from 2 to 20 counting in 2s

for ( $i = 2; $i <= 20; $i += 2 )
	println( "Value is $i" );

Print all array elements Method 1

$arr = array( "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five" );
for ( $i = 0; $i < UBound($arr); $i++ )
	$item = $arr[$i];
	println( "Value is " . $item );

Print all array elements Method 2

$arr = array( "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five" );
for ( $i = 0; $i < UBound($arr); $i++ )
	println( "Value is $arr[$i]" );

A perl style number to number for

for( 0 .. 10 )
	println("Value $_"); // Yes the $_ gets set just like in Perl
// or
for( 0 .. 10 as $i )
	println("Value $i"); // Yes the $_ gets set just like in Perl
// A Reverse style
my $x = 5;
println("Hello $_") for(3..$x);

Another perl style but this time using variables

$a = 1;
$b = 30;
for( $a..$b )
	println("Value $_"); // Yes the $_ gets set just like in Perl
// or
for( $a..$b as $i )
	println("Value $i"); // Yes the $_ gets set just like in Perl
// A Reverse style
println("Hello $k") for(3..$x as $k);
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