Core Function UnsetFunction

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UnsetFunction( <function-name> )



Delete a previous user defined Function from Sputnik.


The function name to delete.

Return Value

Success: Returns 1.

Failure: Returns 0.


This function is used to remove a previous added function to Sputnik for example if you have a plugin system that adds a series of functions you could make the plugin remove all functions when a command is typed.

Then you could load the plugin again basically allowing an update to your programs source code while it is still running.


// Define a function called Add2
Function Add2($a, $b)
	return $a + $b;
// Call the function
println("1+2 Is: " . Add2(1, 2) );
// Now delete the function from Sputnik
// Try call the function again
println("Lets try call it again");
println("1+2 Is: " . Add2(1, 2) ); // Notice the crash here?
// It crashes above because the function "Add2" no longer exists within Sputnik

Heres an example loading the function from a String instead of hard coding it

// Make a string containing text of a FUNCTION to load this string as Sputnik code later
my $Function = @"
					Function Add2($a, $b)
						return $a + $b;
// Load the function for the first time
// This will view the string as a peice of Sputnik code (same as include())
Eval($Function); // Bascially it will add the function "Add2" to Sputnik
// Call the function
println("1+2 Is: " . Add2(1, 2) );
// Now delete the function from Sputnik
// Try call the function again
println("Lets try call it again");
println("1+2 Is: " . Add2(1, 2) ); // Notice the crash here?
// It crashes above because the function "Add2" no longer exists within Sputnik
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