Core Function ToolTip

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ToolTip( <text>, <x>, <y> )



Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen.


The text of the tooltip.

x, y

Optional; The x,y position of the tooltip.

Return Value

Returns the HWND of the new tooltip so it can be destroyed later using ToolTipKill().


If the x and y coordinates are omitted the, tip is placed near the mouse cursor.

If the coords would cause the tooltip to run off screen, it is repositioned to visible.

Tooltip appears until it is cleared, until program terminates, or ***sometimes*** until it is clicked upon. You may use @CR or @LF to create multi-line tooltips.

Note you can create as many tooltips as you wish however its best to store their Handles so you can delete them later using ToolTipKill.


// This will create a tooltip in the upper left of the screen
$a = ToolTip("This is a tooltip", 0, 0); // Create a tooltip
Sleep(2000); // Sleep to give tooltip time to display
ToolTipKill($a); // Remove the tooltip
// Same as above but this time place the tooltip at the mouse pointer
$a = ToolTip("This is a tooltip"); // Create a tooltip
Sleep(2000); // Sleep to give tooltip time to display
ToolTip($a); // Remove the tooltip

Heres an example of a program with 2 hotkeys the first hotkey A will create a tooltip and the second hotkey B will delete all tooltips

Global $lol = array();
Global $i = 0;
$GUI = GUICreate("Window", "mooooo", 200, 200);
GUILoad( $GUI );
HotKeySet("a", "lol();");
HotKeySet("b", "lol2();");
While ( GUIStatus( $GUI ) ) DoEvents( );
Function lol()
	push($lol, ToolTip("This is a tooltip $i"));
Function lol2()
	foreach($lol as $l)
	$lol = array();
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