Core Function SSListen

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SSListen( <port>, <max connections>, <name>  )



Create a server and begin listening for clients to connect.



The port to use for the server.

max connections

Optional; The max amount of users to allow onto the server.

Default is 32.


Optional; The name of the server/client program (Client and server should use same name)

Return Value

Success: Returns a new server object.

Failure: Returns null.


This is NOT a generic socket toolset; You can't use this to connect to anything instead it is used to connect Sputnik clients with Sputnik servers in a very easy to use way.


See the Connect() example for the client to go with this server example

Complete server example:

my $Clients = array(); // Create an array to hold all clients that connect
$Port = 5500; // The port to listen on
$Serv = SSListen($Port); // Server a server on port 5500
println("Begin listening on port $Port");
println("Waiting for connections.....");
While( True ) // Keep the server running forever
	While( $Data = SSRecv($Serv) ) // Check if we got any messages from any clients
		$MSG = $Data[0]; // The message ID
		$CLIENT = $Data[1]; // The client object
		$ClientID = $Data[2]; // The clients unique ID
		$ClientIP = $Data[3]; // The clients IP
		Switch ($MSG) // Check what type of message we just got
			case @ssData: // The message is data usually text and chat etc
				$dCode = SSRead($Serv, "i"); // Read an Int32 "i" from the recieved message
				switch ($dCode) // Check what type of code we got
					case 1: // The code is a Chat message
						$Text = SSRead($Serv, "p"); // Read a string "p" from the recieved message
						$Text = Trim($Text); // Remove any trailing @CR or @LF etc
						$Name = $Clients[$ClientID][0]; // Get client name
						// Say what client sent it to ocnsole
						println("Client ID '$ClientID' IP '$ClientIP' Name '$Name' Said '$Text'");
						// Check is client is being abusive
						if($Text =~ m/fuck/i) // Kick client for swearing
							// Kick the client from server
							SSDrop($Serv, $CLIENT, "Profanity is not allowed here!");
							unset($Clients[$ClientID]); // Remove the client from client list
							$senderClient = $Clients[$ClientID]; // Find current client the one who sent the message
							// Create a message send buffer
							$sBuf = SSSendBufferCreate($Serv); // Create the buffer
							SSSendBufferAppend($sBuf, "i", 1); // Add an Int32 with 1 for the ID
							$Time = "(" . @Hour . ":" . @Min . ":" . @Sec . ") "; // Time message recieved
							SSSendBufferAppend($sBuf, "p", $Time . $senderClient[0] . ": $Text"); // Add a string
							// Loop through all clients
							foreach($Clients as $cID => $cli) // Key Client ID, Value Client object
								// Send the buffer we made above to this client if its still connected
								if(SSClientStatus($Serv, $cli[1]) == @ssConnected)
									SSSend($Serv, $sBuf, $cli[1]);
			case @ssConnectionApproval: // A client is asking for permission to join our server
				$Name = SSRead($Serv, "p"); // Read the clients name from the connection string
				// Show message on console
				println("Client ID '$ClientID' IP '$ClientIP' Name '$Name' is asking permission to join the server");
				//SSDisapprove($CLIENT, "We dont want you here"); // Use this to reject the client
				SSApprove($CLIENT); // Approve the client
				$Clients[$ClientID] = array($Name, $CLIENT); // Add the client to the client array list
			case @ssStatusChanged: // A client has changed its status
				$ClientStatus = SSClientStatus($Serv, $CLIENT); // Find new status
				Switch ($ClientStatus) // Check what type of status change
					case @ssConnected: // The client reports its now fully connected to our server
						$Name = $Clients[$ClientID][0]; // Get client name
						println("Client ID '$ClientID' IP '$ClientIP' Name '$Name' has joined the server");
					case @ssDisconnected: // The client reports its disconnected from the server
						$Name = $Clients[$ClientID][0]; // Get client name
						println("Client ID '$ClientID' IP '$ClientIP' Name '$Name' has left the server");
						unset($Clients[$ClientID]); // Remove the client from the client array list
					case @ssConnecting: // A client is connecting
					case @ssReconnecting: // A client is reconnected
					case @ssDisconnecting: // A client is disconnecting
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