Core Function GUIMsgFilter

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GUIMsgFilter( <gui object>, <command> )



Use a function to receive all messages windows sends to the GUI object (HWND, MSG, WPARAM, LPARAM).



The GUI Object to link the MsgFilter to can be a Window,Button etc.


Either a command to execute or a function to call etc.

Return Value

Success: Returns true.

Failure: Returns false.


// Create the Design Window
$Window = GUICreate("Window", "Test GUI", 640, 482, 0, 0);
// Show the Design Window
GUILoad( $Window );
// Create the GUI objects
$b1 = GUICreate("Button", $Window, "Send", 8, 8);
// Add a link
GUILink($b1, "Click", 'Send();');
// Create the GUI msgFilter
GUIMsgFilter($Window, 'myMsgFilter($HWND, $MSG, $WParam, $LParam);');
// Keep the GUI running as long as long as the window is open
While ( GUIStatus( $Window ) ) DoEvents( );
// When you create a msgfilter 4 variables are automatically created for you
// $HWND
// $MSG
// All them names should be familiar to you
Function myMsgFilter($HWND, $MSG, $WParam, $LParam)
	println("HWND: " . $HWND . " | MSG: " . $MSG . " | WParam: " . $WParam . " | LParam: " . $LParam);
	return 0; // If you return HIGHER than 0 the msgfilter will be removed
// The button click goes here this will simply just be something to test out the msgFilter
Function Send()
	my $Handle = GUIGetProp($Window, "Handle"); // Get the HWND of our window
	// Send a message to the window containing 2 unique numbers 777 and 1337
	// Just to see if they appear in the filter
	DLLCall("user32.dll", "PostMessage", "Int32", "tItt", "Ansi", $Handle, 160, 777, 1337);
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