Core Function FileOpen
From Sputnik Wiki
FileOpen( <filename>, <flag> )
Contents |
Opens a file for reading or writing.
Name of the text file to open.
Mode (read or write) to open the file in options are:
- "" = Open existing file or create a new one with this name
- "a" = Open existing file for appending data to it
- "a+" = Open existing file for appending data to it or create a new file in write mode
- "w" = Create a new file for writing to (Will delete an existing file of this name)
- "w+" = Create a new file for writing to (Will NOT delete an existing file of this name)
- "r" = Open existing file for reading (Will give exception if file does not exist)
Return Value
Success: Returns a file "handle" for use with subsequent file functions
Failure: Returns null if error occurs.
$File = FileOpen("MyFile.txt", "w"); If(isVarObj($File, "file")) // You could just use isObj($File) however adding the "file" will make sure it is indeed a file { FileAppend( $File, "This is line 1\n" ); FileAppend( $File, "This is line 2\n" ); FileAppend( $File, "This is line 3\n" ); FileClose( $File ); }