Core Function SSRead
From Sputnik Wiki
SSRead( <message buffer>, <data type> )
Contents |
Read data from a message.
<message buffer>
The message buffer to read from.
The type of data to read from the message buffer valid options are:
[CODE] [TYPE] "v" Binary (Reads an Int32 for size then reads that many bytes) "V" Binary (Reads from current positoin to end of the buffer) "b" Byte (signed) "B" Byte (unsigned) "s" Int16 "i" Int32 "l" Int64 "S" UInt16 "I" UInt32 "L" UInt64 "f" Float "d" Double "p" String
Return Value
Success: Returns the data as requested.
Failure: Returns 0.
This is NOT a generic socket toolset; You can't use this to connect to anything instead it is used to connect Sputnik clients with Sputnik servers in a very easy to use way.
See the Listen() and Connect() for examples