Core Function Parser Engine
From Sputnik Wiki
[Rules/Terminals] : TokenName Class name { Function __Construct ( <Parameters> ... ) { statements ... } }
Parse text and have classes created and returned to you.
Entered like:
Terminal("Name") <pre> Defines this class as the object to be created when this Terminal is found in the source code === Rule === Entered like: <pre> Rule("<rule> ::= <bla bla bla>") <pre> Defines this class as the object to be created when this Rule is found in the source code === Class === The class object to be created === Function === Optional; If the __Construct is made then the Tokens will be linked to that class otherwise they may be null etc. === Remarks === This makes use of the [ GoldParser]. Its purpose is to provide a way to parse more complex files than simply regex alone can allow. To make use of this you must first created a grammar file (.CGT) in GoldParser builder then create all classes for use (Simply opening parser without the rules/terminals will tell you what it requires to work) then use the Parser() function to spawn a new parser and Parse() to read text and parse it. See example below === Example === <syntaxhighlight lang="sputnik"> [ Terminal("(EOF)") Terminal("(Error)") Terminal("(Whitespace)") Terminal("(") Terminal(")") ] : SpecialToken Class myUselessTerminals{}; [Terminal("Float")] : SpecialToken Class myFloat { my $value; Function __Construct( $Value ) { $this->$value = (Double)ObjToVar($Value); } }; [Terminal("Integer")] : SpecialToken Class myInteger { my $value; Function __Construct( $Value ) { $this->$value = (Double)ObjToVar($Value); } }; [Rule("<Negate Exp> ::= ~'-' <Value>")] : SpecialToken Class Negate { my $value; Function __Construct( $value ) { $this->$value = -(TokenClass($value)->$value); } }; [Terminal("+")] : SpecialToken Class opPlus { my $value; Function __Construct( ) { } Function Calculate(&$Left, $Right) { return TokenClass($Left)->$value += TokenClass($Right)->$value; } }; [Terminal("-")] : SpecialToken Class opMinus { my $value; Function __Construct( ) { } Function Calculate(&$Left, $Right) { return TokenClass($Left)->$value -= TokenClass($Right)->$value; } }; [Terminal("*")] : SpecialToken Class opMult { my $value; Function __Construct( ) { } Function Calculate(&$Left, $Right) { return TokenClass($Left)->$value *= TokenClass($Right)->$value; } }; [Terminal("/")] : SpecialToken Class opDivide { my $value; Function __Construct( ) { } Function Calculate(&$Left, $Right) { return TokenClass($Left)->$value /= TokenClass($Right)->$value; } }; [ Rule("<Expression> ::= <Expression> '+' <Mult Exp>") Rule("<Expression> ::= <Expression> '-' <Mult Exp>") Rule("<Mult Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '/' <Negate Exp>") Rule("<Mult Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Negate Exp>") ] : SpecialToken Class Operation { my $value; Function __Construct( $Left, $OP, $Right ) { $this->$value = TokenClass($OP)->Calculate(&$Left, $Right); } }; my $Trims = array( "<Value> ::= '(' <Expression> ')'" => "<Expression>" ); my $Parser = Parser("Test.cgt", "SpecialToken", $Trims); println("Enter expressions to be parsed."); println("Example 100+(50/2)"); while(true) { my $Input = input("> "); try { if(isEmpty($Input)) { println("You must type an expression to parse"); continue; } my $ReturnToken = Parse($Parser, $Input); if(isToken($ReturnToken)) { println(TokenClass($ReturnToken)->$Value); } } catch (Exception $e) { println("Error: " . $e->getMessage()); } } </syntaxhighlight> Here is the Grammar file to use with the above source code <pre> "Name" = 'Calculator Sample Grammar' "Author" = 'Arsène von Wyss' "Version" = '0.1' "About" = 'Sample grammar for simple calculation expressions' "Start Symbol" = <Expression> "Case Sensitive" = false Integer = {Digit}+ Float = {Digit}*'.'{Digit}+([Ee][+-]?{Digit}+)? <Expression> ::= <Expression> '+' <Mult Exp> | <Expression> '-' <Mult Exp> | <Mult Exp> <Mult Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Negate Exp> | <Mult Exp> '/' <Negate Exp> | <Negate Exp> <Negate Exp> ::= '-' <Value> | <Value> <Value> ::= Integer | Float | '(' <Expression> ')'