Core Function GUICreateTabPage

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GUICreate( "TabPage", <gui object>, <Text> )



Create a TabPage


gui object

The GUI object (TabSheet) to place the TagPage on.


The text the Tabpage should display.

Return Value

Success: Returns the new GUI object.

Failure: Returns 0 if error occurs.


// Create the GUI
Global $GUI = GUICreate("Window", "Hello", 300, 300);
// Show the GUI
GUILoad( $GUI );
// Make a button
Global $TestyButton = GUICreate("Button", $GUI, "Test...", 8, 8);
// Make Tab sheet
Global $Tab = GUICreate( "TabSheet", $GUI, 8, 48, 200, 200 );
// Add 2 pages to sheet
Global $TabPage1 = GUICreate("TabPage", $Tab, "I am Page1");
Global $TabPage2 = GUICreate("TabPage", $Tab, "I am Page2");
// Add buttons to page 1
Global $MyButton1 = GUICreate("Button", $TabPage1, "Click me!", 16, 16);
Global $MyButton2 = GUICreate("Button", $TabPage1, "Click me too!", 16, 56);
// Add buttons to page 2
Global $MyButton3 = GUICreate("Button", $TabPage2, "Click me OMG!", 16, 56);
Global $MyButton4 = GUICreate("Button", $TabPage2, "Click me NOW!", 16, 86);
// Add links
GUILink($MyButton1, "Click", 'Println("Hello from MyButton1");');
GUILink($MyButton2, "Click", 'Println("Hello from MyButton2");');
GUILink($MyButton3, "Click", 'Println("Hello from MyButton3");');
GUILink($MyButton4, "Click", 'Println("Hello from MyButton4");');
GUILink($TestyButton, "Click", 'Testy();');
// Keep the GUI running as long as long as the window is open
While ( GUIStatus( $GUI ) ) DoEvents( );
Function Testy()
	//GUITabSheet($Tab, "DelPage", 0); // Uncomment to delete Page1
	//Unset($TabPage2); // Uncomment to delete Page2
	my $Index = GUITabSheet($Tab, "SelectedIndex");
	println("Page index selected: $Index");
	my $Text = GUITabSheet($Tab, "SelectedText");
	println("Page text selected: $Text");
	//GUITabSheet($Tab, "SelectedIndex", 1); // Uncomment to change tab page to Page2
	//GUITabSheet($Tab, "Clear"); // Uncomment to delete all pages
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