Core Function SSConnect

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Revision as of 12:10, 1 December 2011

SSListen( <ip>, <port>, <connection string>, <name>  )



Create a server and begin listening for clients to connect.



The IP of the server.


The port of the server.

connection string

A string to send the server upon connecting (This is usually the name of the client etc).


Optional; The name of the server/client program (Client and server should use same name)

Return Value

Success: Returns a new client object.

Failure: Returns 0.


This is NOT a generic socket toolset; You can't use this to connect to anything instead it is used to connect Sputnik clients with Sputnik servers in a very easy to use way.


See the Listen() example for the server to go with this client example

Complete client example:

// Create a new GUI
Glob $GUI = GUICreate("GUI", 640, 480);
GUISetState($GUI, @Show);
// Create the GUI objects
$obj_textbox = GUICreateTextBoxEx($GUI, "textbox", "", 5, 15, 610,  370);
$obj_RealSend = GUICreateButton($GUI, "RealSend", "Send", 505, 410);
$obj_CMD = GUICreateTextBoxEx($GUI, "CMD", "", 10, 415, 485,  25);
// Add a few links
GUILink($obj_RealSend, @lClick, 'Send();');
GUILink($obj_CMD, @lKeyPress, 'KeyPress();');
// Allow the user to enter a name to use on the server
$Name = InputBox("Sputnik Client", "Enter a name to use on the chat", "MyName");
// Join Server
Glob $Client = SSConnect("", 5500, $Name);
// Loop while GUI is active
Until ( GUIState( $GUI ) == @sClosed )
	DoEvents(); // DoEvents to keep the GUI working fine
	While( $Data = SSRecv($Client) ) // Check if we recieved a message from server
		$MSG = $Data[0]; // Get the message ID
		Switch ($MSG) // CHeck what type of message it was
			case @ssStatusChanged: // The message says we changed status
				$Status = SSClientStatus($Client); // Get our status
				Switch ($Status) // Check our status
					case @ssDisconnected: // We have been disconnected from the server
						$fread = SSRead($Client);
						AddText("Disconnected from server reason: $fread");
					case @ssConnected: // We have connected to the server
						AddText("We have connected to the server");
					case @ssConnecting: // We are connecting to the server
					case @ssReconnecting: // We are reconnecting to the server
					case @ssDisconnecting: // We are disconnecting from the server
			case @ssConnectionApproval: // Our connection has been approved on the server
				AddText("Connected to server!");
			case @ssConnectionRejected: // Our connection has been rejected on the server
				$fread = SSRead($Client); // Read the reason why we was rejected
				AddText("Server rejected our connection reason: $fread"); // Add it to display
			case @ssData: // We have recieved data from server
				$dCode = SSRead($Client, "i"); // Read the Int32 "i" code of the message
				switch ($dCode)
					case 1: // It is a Chat message
						$Text = SSRead($Client, "p"); // Read the string "p" from the message
						AddText($Text); // Add it to the display
// When a key is presed on chat send box
Function KeyPress()
	if($arg == @LF || $arg == @CR) // Make sure its a valid enter key
		Send(); // Send the message
// Function to add text to output display
Function AddText($str)
	$Text = GUIGetProp($obj_textbox, "Text"); // Read the current "Text"
	$Text = $str . @CRLF . $Text; // Add new text to top
	GUISetProp($obj_textbox, "Text", $Text); // Set the "Text"
// Send a message to server
Function Send()
	$Text = GUIGetProp($obj_CMD, "Text"); // Read current text to send
	GUISetProp($obj_CMD, "Text", ""); // Clear the send box
	$sBuf = SSSendBufferCreate($Client); // Create a new buffer to send a message with
	SSSendBufferAppend($Client, $sBuf, "i", 1); // Add the code using an Int32 "i"
	SSSendBufferAppend($Client, $sBuf, "p", $Text); // Add the string "p" to send
	SSSend($Client, $sBuf); // Send the message to the server
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